
Online Classes: A Sociological Perspective

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Traditional Classes VS. Online Classes: A Sociological Perspective Julie Rodriguez Sociology 101 Brandman University Online courses have become more common among colleges and universities. About thirty percent of all college and university students are enrolled in at least one online course (Bergstrand, Savage, 2013). Online classes provide flexibly for students, allowing them to work more hours or care for their families. Studies have found that there is no drastic difference in student achievement whether they are enrolled in traditional classes or online classes (Bergstrand,2013). This article will analyze the experience of taking an online class as a student and will provide information from a sociological perspective. …show more content…

Accompanied with social interaction is the symbolic interaction theory. This theory states that humans will develop a set of symbols that gives meaning to the world in each person’s own perspective (Ballantine,1983). The symbolic interactionism will help to provide a sense of identity and purpose in society for individuals. In a traditional class the immediate feedback or the face to face interaction can provide a student with the perception that their questions and presence in the class matters. In an online class, a student can perceive the time lapse in responses from the instructor as lacking enthusiasm and give the student a feeling of seclusion. In the beginning of most online courses, the instructor will provide a short autobiography. The information provided will automatically be symbolized in to how each student perceives and holds the instructor to different standards. For example, a student would not hold another student to the same standards as a professor because we symbolize the title of professor as knowledge and educated. What an online student must understand is that although they are not receiving responses immediately, their participation and input is still greatly needed and appreciated. Unlike, traditional classes, online instructors may be from different time zones and it does take more time to respond electronically than it does verbally. Aside from communication with instructors. Symbolic …show more content…

The conflict theory among the educational system has been considered to favor wealthy groups of society due to the amount of tuition needed. However, while it is still difficult for some groups of society to receive financing for college, attending college has become more accessible. The conflict for online students is the ability to be familiar and comfortable with technology. An issue that can occur is computer illiteracy. It is common to sit in a traditional classroom and see people of all ages. The issue in online classrooms is that people from older generations may not be as familiar with navigating websites and utilizing everything the web has to offer. Some students find it difficult to interact through discussion boards, email, etc. When an individual does not have much knowledge about technology the conflict arises. Karl Marx believed that society was constantly undergoing change that was driven by conflict (Boundless,2016). Technology has been a consistent ongoing conflict of change. There is always something new to be learned and gained. This causes some groups of society to feel conflict and pressure when starting or continuing their education. This group of society may lack the confidence needed to thrive in some online class

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