
Office Of Columbi A Policy Analysis Team Essay

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Client DC’s Mayor Muriel Bowser is calling upon us as a policy analysis team to evaluate the Homeward DC plan. This plan is a living document that is to be continually updated with informed and comprehensive analytical feedback to bridge the gaps within the strategic plan. Through the provision of our annual policy analysis Muriel Bowser is confident that resolving homelessness in the nation’s capital within the next four years is an achievable end.

DC’s Mayor Muriel Bowser is very committed to “ending long-term homelessness in the District of Columbia”. The mayor and her team believe that the administration’s plan for homelessness is ambitious but achievable. The plan aims at cultivating partnerships with non-profit providers, advocates, persons experiencing homelessness, business partners, and the philanthropic community to develop ways and methods to manage and resolve homelessness in the nation’s capital. Another key actor that is involved in resolving DC’s homelessness is the District of Columbia Interagency Council on Homelessness (DCICH). The DCICH is a group of cabinet level leaders, providers of homeless services, advocates, homeless and formerly homeless leaders that come together to inform and guide the District’s strategies and policies for meeting the needs of individuals and families who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. The DCICH main mission is to “to end long-term homelessness in the District of Columbia by 2020”.

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