
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not a very common disorder, but it does affect many people in the world. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disorder characterized by intrusive and unwanted but uncontrollable thought (obsessions) that lead to repeated behaviors (compulsions). OCD might sound like a scary disorder that may hurt or harm you in some way, but it is a safer disorder to your body. It affects the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the striatum, and the thalamus, of the front and deep parts of the brain. OCD can be characterized into four areas that are:
Contamination/Mental Contamination
Rumination/Intrusive Thoughts
(Baldridge and Piotrowski, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) (The Different Types …show more content…

This includes checking memory, making sure everything is off before leaving the house, and rereading things. People may have to make sure that things are correct multiple times like, checking the date or time, making sure everything in the house is off, and calling and texting people. ( The Different Types of OCD) Contamination or Mental Contamination OCD is the need to clean and wash compulsively. It also helps with the fear of contamination or illness. People may have a fear of using public toilets, shaking hands, and being in a crowd. They might have to clean a surface more than once to get it to be clean enough for them. (Different Types of OCD)

Hoarding OCD is the inability to get rid of or discard things that useless or worn out. People may keep things that mean nothing like candy wrappers, trash, and dead things. Some people hoard animals to receive affection from them. Hoarding OCD is the least responsive to treatment unlike other forms. Most hoarders do not think that the things are trash to …show more content…

The symptoms are compulsive behavior, agitation, compulsive hoarding, hypervigilance, impulsivity, meaningless repetition of own words, repetitive movements, ritualistic behaviors, social isolation, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and food aversion. The symptoms may not harm a person severely, but they may make the person want to harm themselves. People with OCD will have fears of things, such as germs, dirt, and other toxins, that are not normal to them. These fears may force people to do unnecessary things, like clean obsessively, making everything perfect to them, and not wanting to go anywhere that may have toxins. (Baldridge and Piotrowski, Obsessive-Compulsive

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