
Obesity: a Sociological Epidemic Essay

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Obesity: A Sociological Epidemic Abstract The sociological aspect of obesity shown through the impact of families, the government and the economy. The rapidly growing, fast-paced, technological society creates an epidemic of sorts. Families pursue the use of technology, restaurants and fast-paced eating as well as single parenting and parental denial. The government sets a significant health care cost to obesity, which prevents a solution and increases risks. A non-stable economy brings about a society filled with unemployment or multiple jobs as well as both parents working to stay above absolute or relative poverty leading to distractions from a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is a concern, not just for an individual but also for …show more content…

Healthy is one arena where the effects of class are readily evident” (Williams, 1995). The environment of a family has an impact on a person’s health. “Research has shown that families who eat dinner together regularly consume more fruits and vegetables, fewer fried foods, and less soda than those families who do not eat dinner together.”(Dietz, 2001) Families that are stable are often more effective in being their own support system and creating a more stable environment. Families pursue the use of technology, restaurants and fast-paced eating as well as single parenting and parental denial. The media and technology promote sedentary behavior. Technology is prevalent in the cause of childhood obesity. While it is a convenience, and in some cases a form of entertainment, technology should not be replaced with active activities because it is a leading cause in childhood obesity. “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 10 percent of preschool age children and 15 percent of 6- to 19-year olds, can be considered overweight. Twice as many are on the brink of the statistic, making childhood obesity a societal epidemic.” (Can, 2011) As sociocultural evolution carries on, the epidemic of obesity increases. Obesity in children also has psychological consequences such as negative physical self-perceptions, lower feelings of self-worth, and in some cases higher incidence of behavioral problems

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