
OCD And ADHD: A Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived a very small town growing up with 2 sisters, a brother, mother and father. By the time of 2000 the girl who was known by the name of kate around town was only 17.With her family owning a farm it was very difficult for her to get used to not living a country life. Everyday at school she was picked on and many times she was advised by her friends that she wasn’t very pretty just because she didn’t wear makeup or didn’t wear the finest of designer clothes. Only if her classmates knew that she had already lived a rough life growing up her family wasn’t the richest but they made due with what they had. When Kate turned 12 her mother noticed that Kate became really strange and started to act a little bit out of character or unusual. Her mother noticed that Kate started cleaning,organizing, throwing tantrums and just always doing something to keep her busy. This was very weird for Kate. So after about 2 weeks of seeing this strange activity her mother recomend her going to see a doctor. On that very day Kate was diagnosed with both OCD and ADHD.
Kate couldn’t believe the news that the doctor had laid out to her and her mother. He recommend that Kate go see a physocatricts to help treat this disease. Kate didn’t know what do with her life anymore she didn’t feel weird. How …show more content…

it was to the point ot where Kate couldn’t sit still for more than 20 minutes into class, She would always lose her attention, she had outrages outburst, and a few anger issues. The kids did nothing to laugh and call her names. Going home crying herself to sleep every night Kate only wished to be normal. But finally she found a method to keep her under control and by that time Kate loved going to school, making new friends and being around people. Not once did she give up on what she believed

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