
Nuclear Power And Nuclear Energy

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With the ever increasing population, [energy demand, and the need for alternative resources continues to increase.] Nuclear energy comes up as a strong contender by being clean, sustainable, and more consistent moreover than others in the renewables category. Even though those in the energy industry argue that the use of nuclear plants provides a stable source of power in a clean and renewable matter, in areas where other resources are available, the potential threat of nuclear meltdowns outweigh the positive benefits of nuclear energy as cleanups cost billions because of decontamination and unusable land so the number of nuclear power plants should be restricted so the risk of national and worldwide economic damage is minimized. Advocates of nuclear energy argue that the use of nuclear power plants provides a clean and consistent source of energy. Laurel Sheppard (2008) is, a writer and editor with a Bachelor of Science in ceramic engineering from Ohio State University., Iin her cover story, “Is Nuclear Power the Answer to U.S. Energy Needs?” for the American Ceramic Society Bulletin, she recognizes a significant advantage of nuclear energy “is that it emits no air pollutants or greenhouse gases.” It is true that not releasing greenhouse gases is a huge plus for nuclear energy as a resource, especially during modern times with climate change issues. However, nuclear energy comes with its own set of environmental impacts. Aside from the destructive environmental impact from

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