
Nt2580 Week 2 Information Security Research Paper

Decent Essays

Week 2 Essay: Create a Remote Access Control Policy Definition
Sergio Gatica
NT2580: Introduction to Information Security
Professor: Brandon Solomon

Table of Contents
Purpose to define framework for the security policies of IT 3
Purpose of RAP (Remote access policy) 3
Topology selection for RAP 3
Network media to use 4
References 5

Network Security: A review of Literature
Purpose to define framework for the security policies of IT
The framework of security policy is defined to construct a structure by the help of which policy gaps can be identified in an easy manner. A system specific policy would assist to ensure that all employees and management comply with the policies. This is also used to maintain the confidentiality for user authentication would assist in the confidentiality aspect of security, maintain integrity (There are several limiting rules or constraints which are distinct in the relational data model and whose work is to maintain the data’s accuracy and maintain its integrity.), availability and authenticity of the system. Access controls are a collection of mechanisms that work together to create security architecture to protect the assets of an information system. One of the goals of access control is personal accountability, which is the mechanism that proves someone performed a computer activity at a specific point in time. So, the framework acts as the guideline …show more content…

All the employees come under this policy. It doesn’t have any specific permission but contains common permissions for all employees. But some employees of the organization need special and specific permissions on their domain to work. Thus, to allow these specific permissions on specific domain RAP (Remote Access Policy) is being used. This policy gives directions to the specific domain on which it is applied. (Sailer et al,

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