
Nt1310 Unit 8 Data Types

Decent Essays

In this presentation I will be looking at data types and how they can be used and represented.
I will be looking at the following data types
Text is represented in what is known as ASCII (american standard for code for information interchange)
1 character in ASCII is the equivalent to 1 bytes or 8 bits
ASCII is coding system for letters and numbers. Each character has its own number for example the ASCII code for A is 097, A In binary is 01100001 we can work out the ASCII code by using its binary number
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 64+32+1=97, This is the ASCII code for A
Number is represented using the hexadecimal system. This system is a way to condense binary into smaller and more easy to work with pieces. There for every number has a hexadecimal code. The hexadecimal code for 589 is 24D. By doing this large numbers are …show more content…

Because a video is just a string of images its bit depth and pixels are exactly the same as images.
All audio is recorded is analogue and needs to be converted to digital. In order to do this a technique known as sampling is used. Here is a picture of how sampling works. The red line is the original analogue audio. The gray blocks are each sample of the audio. The more samples there are the higher quality or more true to the original it will be.
Audio sampling will always create a drop in quality. The closer together the sampling is the more it represents the original analogue sound. Also the more levels you have the less “error” there will be.
However even though a low sample rate will reduce quality, the higher the sample rate the bigger the file size will be. This means companies can only reach a certain sample rate to put it on a CD before the file size gets too big, an average CD only has 700MB of usable space. Therefore you need to be able to strike a happy balance between quality and

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