
Nonprofit Management Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I was raised with the fundamental notion of service to mankind, I have always been interested in society’s injustices and problems, and being a catalyst for change. This has brought me to applying to the University of Central Florida’s Master of Nonprofit Management program within the School of Public Administration. I am currently a practitioner in Social Work and serve as the Director of Social Services at the Orlando Area Command of The Salvation Army. I have received my bachelors and master’s degree in Social Work from Barry University in Miami, FL.

What is your reason for pursuing graduate study in Nonprofit Management, including your future goals and plans?

In the poem, The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost wrote, "Two roads diverge in the woods, and I took the one least traveled….And that has made all the difference." In this poem, Frost reflects on the options available to each individual, much like a fork in the road. My path to nonprofit management came after several years of clinical work within Social Work and countless hours implementing processes, policies and laws created by individuals that may be a few degrees …show more content…

The diversity of nonprofit organizations, services provided and the problems faced shows that nonprofits require leadership with an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted nonprofit landscape. Understanding the culture of nonprofit work is also crucial and much easier to understand once you have been through a nonprofit management program. My career interests lead me towards an avocation of a deeper knowledge of strategic management/planning, legal structure and standards, increase my skills in quantitative analysis of policy, financial governance and developing fundraising strategies. These areas allow for macro management within the nonprofit

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