
New Medicine: A Narrative Fiction

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She wasn’t moaning anymore instead she was silent. I looked up at her and her head fell and was looking straight down at me without eyes at all. Tears welled in my eyes and my nose started to run. I screamed as her corpse stared at me. I backed away and falling in the process. On the other side was my father. He was limp and on his stomach. However, the other half looked like we would’ve been on his back. His body had been split into two like those magic tricks with the box. “Daddy.” I mumbled. “Are you doing a magic trick.” He didn’t budge. “That’s all that happened Doctor Jean.” He gave me a exhausted look. “Very Good. Now listen here Miranda. You have post traumatic stress disorder. Do you remember what that means?” “No, Doc. I forgot. …show more content…

“I’ve told you it Snerkers! She then spun towards me and held out a pill. “Sorry, Miss Snerkers.” “Nevermind. Now child, take your new medicine.” “New medicine?” I asked. The pill was red and oval shaped. I took the pill and swallowed it. At that moment I felt funny. The room started to spin and the room took on a deep red color with splashes of black here and there. That’s when my head gave way and my mind slipped. Everything was black but it only lasted a few seconds. I opened my eyes to reveal a heavenly light but when my eyes focused it was just a currently cleaned hospital light. “Stupid but precious light.” I mumbled. I tilted my head up and looked around. It was my room clearly. I could tell due to the wall dents and blood on the wall. Sometimes the medicines would make me go crazy and the emotional pressure hurt to much. I got up and sighed. I rotated around to be greeted by Mr. Franks, the clown in the picture. I wonder if he can cheer me up but some of the clowns scare me. It’s normal for thing to scare me around here. One example is Mrs. Snickers or Snerklers. She will sometimes tell me if she could she would pour and fill me with arsenic. I don’t know what that is but I know it not better than Hershey’s

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