
Negative Stereotypes In Africa

Decent Essays

Africa is a continent plagued by misinformed and false stereotypes, rarely being seen or portrayed as what it really is. Countless amounts of myths and ideas are formulated based off of single stories or one-sided stories from the region, often without a second thought. These stereotypes give Africa an overall negative image to the rest of the world and suppress the reality that is hidden behind the slew of stereotypes. The belief that all of Africa is poor and undeveloped is an uninformed statement that harms the reality and worsens the image of the continent by perpetuating an incomplete idea into the world. This misinformed stereotype is broken by the reality of Egypt, a country with much more than sand and pyramids. Egypt’s economy is one of the top 3 economies in Africa overall, worth 336.3 billion USD in 2016 (Egypt GDP). Egypt makes a significant amount of its profit through exports of oil, machinery, and precious metals (Egypt’s Top 10). Collecting and exporting these materials is something that should be impossible, according to the stereotypes of poverty that are made about the continent, and indirectly, the country. Egypt is also home to hundreds of companies that operate just as any other company does and contribute to the stock market across all of Africa (Markets). Stock markets, flourishing businesses, and large exports aren’t things that believers of the negative stereotypes could even see as possible, let alone believe. Given these facts that reflect a

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