
Negative Effects Of Colonialism

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The Effects of Colonialism
“During the phase of colonial settlement, European countries sent settlers to inhabit and control large areas of land. They took complete control of new areas by force and imposed European laws. These settlers often excluded indigenous inhabitants from their society or killed many of them in violent wars or through disease” (Stewart 1). Colonialism is a conceptual idea that has forever damaged our first-world society. Tribes and nations from every crevice of the earth have been impacted by forces greater than themselves. European invaders took advantage of these naive humanities and eventually stripped every aspect of their originality. Civilizations are intended to have firm foundations based on their own morals …show more content…

Okonkwo, the main character in the novel, is a tragic hero of his people. He does everything in his power to not be like his disappointment of a father and obtain a successful village. Eventually, because of the enforcement of colonialism and the amount of stress he endowed while trying to maintain a successful village, he is forced to to commit suicide. To explain why he did this, it all began with the white men taking over the village. “The three white men and a very large number of other men surrounded the market. They must have used a powerful medicine to make themselves invisible until the market was full. And they began to shoot. Everybody was killed…(Achebe 139).” This was one of the first signs of colonization, when the first white man appeared. The elders of the village consulted the Oracle and were told that the white man would soon be followed by others like him and that he would destroy their way of life, so they killed him. Not long after that, other white men killed the people of the village. The colonialism conception proactively takes its place throughout the Igbo culture and results in tragedy.

Cultures and tribes experienced colonialism prematurely. They were taken over before they could finish building the foundation they needed to prosper. Once they were conquered, they slowly fell short of confidence and pride they once withheld. These invaders strip the native culture of their emotional

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