
Narrow: A Fictional Narrative

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We walk toward a small table and then take our seats. Justin takes out the menus pressed in between the red pepper and parmesan shakers and hands me one. “So.” He puts elbows on the table and clasps his hands together. His large brown eyes search my face. “How many books did you read last night, Ms. Winter?” He says with a smirk. “Yeah,” A grins spreads across my face. “You got me. Only part of one, Mr. Fellows.” His eyes sparkle in response to my playful words. “So… how many dates do you bring here and sit at this very table?” My index finger playfully pounds the table in exclamation. “Funny. No – not on a date.” He grins. I start to look over the menu and it dawns on me that I only have $5 on me. …show more content…

“What did our Mr. Strange do now?” I push my straight, walnut hair behind both of my ears. “I guess he heard me up last night in my apartment and came to my door and knocked on it.” “Really?” Justin’s playfulness turns into a more serious tome. “He just knocked?” “Yeah,” I nod my head. “I wasn’t making any noise. I had just got up to use the bathroom.” I have never told anyone about the nightmares except Mercy. Justin knew very little about my childhood or my family which was intentional on my part. “I heard him knock on the door and say my name. I heard him go down the back stairs and get into his truck and leave. That was it. Just silly like I told you.” I tighten my hands into fists under me. “Has he ever done that before?” I know why he was inquiring. Even though he thought Cole was odd and probably harmless, he didn’t like him living physically near me. “No. The only time I saw him near my door is that one time …remember? Last year, I think. When I opened my front door and he was standing there motionless.” I giggle trying to lighten the conversation and not let him worry. “He is such a weird guy.” “He is. But be careful around him, Sophia.” Justin inhales

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