
Narrative In Rashomon

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The Curious Case of Rashomon
When a samurai is murdered and his wife is raped in the woods it is necessary for the courthouse to find the murderer and bring punishment upon him according to the law. Albeit this is seemingly a typical murderer solving case film it is the method of narration that makes the film differ from others. Rashomon is a famous Japanese film by Akira Kurosawa that tells a story of the same circumstance in four different versions according to the story teller. This particular type of narrative is so intriguing resulting for it to become its own effect. Not only is Rashomon famous for its narrative but also how it reflects and reveal many aspects about truth and lies.
While it may not look like it, it can be seen that there are three main frames to this narrative. The big story or the main frame of narrative is at the gate of Rashomon where a woodcutter, a priest, and a commoner are discussing the samurai’s murder cases. The woodcutter begins the film by telling the background and the general story about the cause of his confusion about the case. The second frame narrative is consists of the bandit’s story, the wife’s story, and the samurai’s story told through a medium. In between each of the flashbacks the film returns to its main narrative of the film at the gate of Rashomon with the mean discussing each of the accounts. However, thinking about it closely it can also be said that the story the woodcutter is telling about the three suspects is …show more content…

The woodcutter is the outsider; he has no doing or what so ever in the situation making his story to be the least bias. Howbeit, like aforementioned, there is still no such thing as the truth and since the woodcutter was the outsider can never know the whole

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