
Narrative Analysis : ' Narrative ' Family Therapy '

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Narrative Family Therapy in Practice
When narrative therapy first came into my life, I was not able to realize its brilliance. I had the misconception that the modality found where problems stemmed from and then showed clients how to cope with problems when they reoccur. Then I saw narrative therapy in action during a session with clients of my colleagues. The idea of problems being outsiders intruding on the system was fascinating and co-authoring a new narrative with a client sounded fulfilling. When all of a client’s knowledge is considered socially constructed rather than learned, it helps the therapist to see the client and the client’s problems as separate entities. Meaning becomes attributed to these problems through the client’s interactions with their social environment.
“Life experience is richer than discourse. Narrative structures organize and give meaning to experience, but there are always feelings and lived experience not fully encompassed by the dominant story” (White & Epston, 1990, p. 20). Effective therapy is seen as an enjoyable experience presenting options for dialogue, rather than monologues, about the problem.
One of the greatest things about narrative therapy is it teaches clients to realize that they are not the problem but that the problem is the problem (Biever et al.; Johnson, 1994; Tomm, 1989; M. White & Epston, 1990). This creates the safe space without the identified person, but rather the identified problem.
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