
Naked Economics Summary

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Naked Economics Summer Assignment 1. The first chapter in the book is about the market and its inner workings. The book briefly explains the idea of supply and demand, in which the price of a certain good or service will reach the point where all the demand is equivalent to the supply. However, the value of something is not determined by its necessity, but its desire within society, as seen by the difference in cost between a diamond and life giving water. Markets operate as they do because people try to maximize the amount of utility for themselves. Nevertheless, a strict rationalism model cannot be used for predicting all the occurrences of a market because of the ever changing behavior of people; thus economists must take precautions against …show more content…

People will work to maximize their utility based on the incentives that they are presented with. Moreover, self-interest is what drives the world of capitalism in the way that it does. If an economic system does not rely on a market, personal incentives are detached from productivity; thus, there is not as great a motivation to innovate and work hard, as inefficiency and sloth are not punished. Such as in a communist society, citizens are not as motivated to work harder than one another because there are no incentives to work more than your neighbor. Humans will do what will make themselves as well off as possible so it is important that they have incentives that motivate them to be productive. It is important for the individual to have similar values as the firm/stockholders which will benefit both parties. Even if there is a slight difference in incentive, individuals tend to manipulate the system to make him or herself as well off as …show more content…

Clients who need insurance the most would be an enourmous cost to the insurer since the clients would spend the insurance money. The price of insurance would then increase which would reduce the number of people who believe that it is worth it. Costs will rise in order to prevent the insurance company from collapse, and the individuals who are most likely to get sick stick to the policies of the insurer. The problem with public insurance would be the fact that everyone has to pay for the insurance because adverse selection would be present without

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