
Myti-Pet Case Report

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Chris Romano Reflection Paper #2 – Myti-Pet 1. How did you plan for the negotiation? Explain how you decided on a strategy? In the Myti-Pet case I played the role of one member of the Myti-Pet leadership team. After individually reading the case information, I felt that some time would have to be spent deescalating the situation regarding our refusal to pay and their threat of a potential lawsuit. It was obvious that a long-term, trusting relationship could not be established without addressing this issue. It was also clear that a potential mutually beneficial relationship existed regarding our need for additional meat flour and our desire to change supplier for our wheat flour. If we were able to reestablish a trusting …show more content…

Rawmat seemed susceptible to the “bullying” and “wad shooter” techniques. Having said that, I believe it was the implementation of integrative negotiating strategies later in the negotiation that caused the favorable conclusion. Had we continued with negotiating tactics steeped in anger, I do not believe we would have reached a satisfactory agreement. After the negotiation, I was reminded of the Williams and Miller article (2002) which states that most people use a one-size-fits-all negotiating strategy. This specific negotiation made it clear that different tactics can work at different times, and in different environment. 4. What would you do differently next time? Why? There were three primary changes that I would make if given the opportunity to redo this negotiation. First, I would more immediately suggest that a contingent contract be used to address the quality of product vs. long-term contract debate. In hindsight, it could have been very efficient to propose an agreement that allowed for Rawmat’s longer term deal while also recognizing Myti-Pet’s desire for higher quality. By not initially considering a contingency contract, our group fell into the trap discussed in Bazerman and Gillespie (1999). We simply did not allow ourselves to consider a contingency contract, and when the idea was first proposed we initially felt uncomfortable with the concept. In hindsight, this reaction was highly unproductive. In addition, in our negotiation we

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