
My Take Away: A Cultural Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

This week we learned so many different terms related to culture. We talked about Enculturation, Acculturation & Ethnocentrism and so many others. What I find most interesting and true to many people is Ethnocentrism. It believes that our own culture is correct and that all others are wrong (Chaney & Martin, 2014). For instance, I find vegemite in crackers for breakfast is weird or bread as Australian table food is unacceptable for an Asian like me who loves rice for lunch and dinner is an example of ethnocentrism. Thinking that we are more superior than the other culture creates wrong assumptions about others behaviors.

In the article “Be unaware of cultural differences at your own peril” written by Justin Thomas is a good example of cultural diversity, “A Dutch colleague of mine recounts a business trip to the US. After a long day of meetings, someone from the American side suggested that they should all hit the sauna. My Dutch friend, a lover of steam, was the first man in. He was also the first to turn bright red, not from the sauna's heat, but from the realization that his American hosts all wore bathing suits, while he sat there naked, wet and apologetic. He had broken an unwritten rule, and discovered cultural differences the hard way.” …show more content…

Normally we look at other culture and try to understand them. But surprisingly in this week’s class I found it interesting how important to take a look at my culture and myself first. My understanding and judgment of other people are based on my perception about them. In working across culture we should realize that our beliefs, expectations and assumptions are not the same as

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