
My Practicum Philosophy

Decent Essays

As I went into my Practicum, my philosophy was that each student deserved the chance to be included into the classroom if that would benefit the student. That was my core belief going in to my practicum. I would say that my view has not changed but what has changed is what how I would treat the students as individuals. I went in thinking they needed help doing things that might be tasks we find simple, but they struggle with. The main purpose of the adapted physical education is not to have the student succeed at sports, or even how to throw a ball. However, Kristine Hardy showed me that it was about making each student more independent and help them understand what they should do but well still in a physical education way. An example of this is we have a student at Kimberly Middle School who is in a wheelchair and struggles with certain tasks. …show more content…

I was confused at first but Braydon came by and tried to open the door and he struggled. He could open a heavy door well trying to push him up a slight incline, again I went to help, and she stopped me once again. I thought maybe she just wanted to see if he could open it himself and since he could not I would help, but that was not her goal it was independence. It was at that moment in my practicum that my outlook on how to treat the students changed. She wanted him to do one of two things is try as hard as he can to open the door and successfully open it or ask for help. When he did not ask for help and we stood there for about a minute watching him struggle he got it open and then wheeled himself out. He did it and he did not need my assistance. This will be something I remember for a long time because it showed me that each student should not be cradled they should be pushed to the best of their abilities, because like every student they cannot get better without being

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