
My First Day Of School

Decent Essays

It was a good day, I stood in front of the door so I could be picked up by my mom. There was a kid, James, he was much taller than me at the time, most people were taller than me, but I didn’t mind. James came down the hallway and was staring straight at me with a devilish look in his eyes and a smirk on his face. I was holding a couple of picture books that we had to bring that day, I really enjoyed reading them. He was approaching me, I didn’t think anything of it, all I was doing was minding my own business. He stood in front of me with his back straight and he was staring into me, like he was establishing dominance, like a lion in the jungle. In one quick motion he snatched all of my picture books straight out of my hands, I stood there speechless, I hated confrontation. Then he held those books over me to the point where I couldn't reach them. I jumped and jumped but I couldn’t reach those books, I repeatedly said “Give them back!” and he responded with “Just take them then”, he knew I couldn’t.. By then a teacher saw us and reclaimed my books from James, but I was already in tears. I spent the rest of the day sobbing and trying to understand how someone could be so heartless.

7th Grade
First day of school, lunchtime rush, who do I sit with, who can I sit with, too late. The tables were full, I was already in a terrible situation and it’s only 3 hours into the school year. I search all around the lunchroom, I don’t know them, they don’t know me. This was

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