
My Failures, Edges And Fears

Good Essays

My Failures, Edges and Fears
The reason I chose the time I failed in stepping up and assessing the right penalties in a line brawl, and my fear of missing out were because, in my opinion, they are or were avoidable situations. Thinking about the line brawl I had, I had the opportunity to step up and be a leader and assess the penalties I knew were correct. However, I wasn’t a strong leader, and let a few more senior referee throw some penalties in the mix that weren’t correct. This was a completely avoidable situation. Had I stuck to what I knew was right, we would’ve gotten the situation right. However, I felt that the guys I was with had more experience, so I felt that I couldn’t be the one to tell them that I didn’t want to do what they …show more content…

Thinking back, that was such a tough time for me going to a place where I didn’t feel appreciated. Now that I am in a place where I feel appreciated, I now look forward to each day; I may not know who I’ll see, or who I’ll hang out with, or who I’ll Snapchat, however I can almost guarantee I will interact with a person who I feel appreciates me. One trap I fell into during high school was thinking that there was no reason as to why people should like me. However, now I feel that I look more so to the positives about myself versus the negatives. However, I constantly think about what I would do if I fell back into a place where there were people who didn 't appreciate me. One story I can think back to that people told about me that wasn’t true was in high school. I’ve always had an ability to impersonate accents. I’ve always had a keen sense to learn about the subtleties and intricacies of each accent, whether it’s from a different region in the United States, or abroad. One day, after school, somebody went home and told his mom that I was being racist by impersonating an accent. In no means was I trying to be racist, I was just trying to add humor to a story. For a while, there were a few people who thought for some reason that I didn’t like people of other race. This couldn 't have been farther from the truth, and quite honestly, it hurt that other people thought I was racist
One story I tell about myself that isn’t completely true is

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