
My Experiences Of Reading And Reading In My Life

Decent Essays

I was born with a heart condition that made me a million dollar baby faster than you can blink an eye, spending the first eighteen months of my life on oxygen and medical monitors at the hospital and at home. So, my mother would read to me calming me down. Throughout my early childhood, my first experience of reading material was; “The Magic School Bus” series, “Thomas the Train” and other material relating to transportation. This was the beginning of a long drawn-out journey as I grew, which inspired me in my self-discovery of how I felt about literature. As I age, I seldom read for pleasure on my time, as it was not an interest for me especially when it came to completing a book report. If I did not have my parents by my side holding my hand, I probably would have never made it thru fourth grade English. Given the choice, I would rather light the book on fire or hide it could not be found before I would complete a simple two-to-three paragraph essay I was required to write. This, combined with the fact I would, on average, miss a whole month of school over the course of a year due to my medical conditions, which only add to my mixed emotions about reading. One of my favorite authors Rick Riordan stats “Every child's taste is different. Don't worry if they're not reading 'War and Peace' at age 12. First, build a good foundation, and a positive attitude about reading by letting them pick the stories they enjoy. Make friends with a bookseller or librarian. They are

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