
My Ethnography Analysis

Decent Essays

In AP Language, Junior year, an ethnography paper was assigned. After significant deliberation on which subculture I was going to study, I landed on the Mormon seminary class at my school. Despite having many friends who have been taking seminary since ninth grade, I did not know much about it. Furthermore, not being raised in a religious family, means I do not hold many values associated with religion. I remember being scared that, when I arrived, I would catch on fire or be painfully awkward in some other way.
On the first day of my observations, with the fear what might happen, I walked over with a friend. Ignorantly, I did not know where the building was on my high school campus. Upon arrival, my friend introduced me to the teacher, Mr. Stafford, he was kind, accepting, and welcomed me with open arms, unexpectedly. I sat in on the class several times to take notes and do interviews. Distinctly recognizable behavior, from kids sleeping to playing games to leaving midway through to get food, was what I witnessed. It was reminiscent of any other high school class. After all, they were simply high school students.
The interviews I conducted were interesting. I could tell that some of the students did not want to be there, given the extreme lack of interest they had displayed. Prior to my first visit, I wrote the questions I planned to ask. When I read …show more content…

The students are so much more than that. They are human before anything else. I acted judgmentally, but they are young adults, just like me. Religions, like anything do not make a person more or less, it's just one aspect of who they are. The research lead me to become more tolerating of people who have different beliefs than myself. I got out of my comfort zone, and I’m so glad I did. I learned that a person’s belief does not define them, their actions do. It was a beneficial experience (and I got a good grade on my

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