
Disney World Essay

Decent Essays

My first trip to Disney World, now that, that was a memorable trip. That trip was one of the most magical and happiest memories of my life. It was back in 2008, I had just turned 6 years old a few months before we left to go there. It was summertime, and the weather was perfect. I remember being so bored on the way there because I am an only child so I didn’t have anyone to entertain me besides myself. My mom’s side of the family went on this trip with us, and at the time I was the only grandkid, and the only kid at all. So once we finally were almost there I remember passing the big ‘Welcome to Disney World” sign and being so excited I peed my pants--my mom was pretty mad, but my dad thought it was kinda funny so I didn’t get in too much trouble. Anyways, so we checked in and got our room and our super cool disney cups and were all set. It was night time by the time we got there that day so we didn’t really get to do much that day. So the next day we all got up and got ready for Hollywood Studios- which is the part where all the disney movies are turned into games and rides. That day was super fun, most likely because growing up I didn’t really watch anything besides disney movies or shows. So as the day went on I started getting sleepy but I was pushing through the sleepiness because I mean come on, I was at Disney World! This place was awesome! So we ride a few more rides and then my parents decide it’s time to head back to our room and eat some dinner. The next day

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