
Mr. Corden Narrative

Decent Essays

“Beep, Beeeeeeeeeeeeep” roared the cars ahead of me.
Down the street to Yale College I go, I’m headed into Mr. Cordens comedian class. Where I go every morning! “You are not prepared,” my conscious said. Approximately one minute late, I got in trouble by…. The beast, the man everybody is afraid of, the man who made a ghost cry! Mr. Corden the head acting teacher.
Ellen Degeneres how come you are late!” said click, click Mr. Corden
“I had to take the subway, ” I said
“ Unacceptable!” “Ok class the test is today I decided to not give you the extra days. So, I will pass it out and It needs to be done by the end of class,” He pleaded
Wow everything I hoped would not happen just did! I don't know anything I thought to myself, I didn’t study …show more content…

I did not want to live my life like a thief. “We have you surrounded, now stop in the name of the queen,” the head guard said to me.
“Not for long” l sharply replied.
I dug out the crown and wrote on the old brick wall…

“Skwaaaaaak,”sounded the vicious dragon.
I am now on Dragon Island there are so many dragons surrounding me. And know where to hide, I lack chance now how do I get out of here?
“Wait I have a good idea, here Dragon come eat me,” I say out loud.
“Skwaaaaak,” the dragon roars back at me as he flapped his wings.
I spotted on the side of the cliff “The End,” so I chipped a piece of his sharp claw and engraved in his flakey, dence, leather skin.
Being dropped down I noticed the school under me so I keeps my legs straight and preparing myself for a hard landing.
“SLAP” went his icy cold as stone hands on my desk.
“Wake up Ellen! How was your nap?, now hand in your test!” Said Mr. Cordon In an eager voice.
“But I...did not finish,” said my shivering voice.
“It looks finished now!” he angrily said.
“You will get them back at the end of class,” he said
Sitting their I thought to myself what had just happened. On my way out of class I got my test back... an A+ that is just what I needed to finish his

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