
Moving Away From Home Analysis

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Because of all the doctors, therapists, and other appointments it becomes imperative that you have some kind of event planner. My wife uses a plain calendar and we write all the appointments and which child the appointment is for. Here organization is key. When you take in foster children you are expected to make and keep all these appointments. At other times you have those emergency visits to the hospital or doctor's office. E.R. visits can certainly be a normal occurrence for parents in general. Some parents have that "accident prone child" but with special needs children the visits can also be fairly regular. One of our foster sons, Angel, was born addicted to drugs which resulted in all kinds of medical issues, from being born premature …show more content…

He isn't trying to run away he's trying to go visit his Nana. He knows where she lives and could certainly find it, but she lives about 20 minutes away when driving in a car. Not only that, but there are major roads that have lots of fast moving traffic. Ethan has opened the front door and tried to go to his Nana's house, but he doesn't put on his shoes so he is walking barefoot. He doesn't speak much so he isn't going to interact with people. The first time he did this the police found him and were asking him where he lives. Ethan would not tell the officer, not because he was being fresh, but because Ethan only knows how to respond to certain questions. The officer would have needed to ask him what is his address not where do you …show more content…

The door was opened because we were getting ready to leave for a birthday party and we were going in and out. Ethan saw the door opened and decided he would take a walk. We don't know why, but Ethan ended up going into a strangers house and turning on their TV and using their computer. The owner of the house was home and obviously a little shocked when he saw a strange child in his home who, believe it or not, demanded something to eat. Thank God almighty that this man was not a child predator or some kind of dangerous person. This man simply called the police. I was on the phone with the Police at the same time and my wife was off in the car trying to find him. Again he was returned safe, but these kinds of things are extremely emotionally draining. It is highly recommended that if you have a child such as Ethan, who does not speak or speak much, that you take them to the local police station and have them photographed and also let them know if there are certain questions that they would need to ask your child inorder for them to give the appropriate

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