
Mornings In Jenin By Susan Abulhawa

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Literature is defined as written works published on a particular subject. Literature can also be viewed as witness, because it can be a source of proof based on the events it was written on. Literature as witness allows readers to get a deeper understanding of the issues that have happened based off of what the books are about. Those who read literary texts such as historical novels, memoirs and novels are witness to historical events. These texts can be viewed as witness because the events mentioned are based off of true life events. Some may argue historical fiction is not real and therefore could not be viewed as a reliable source. Even though historical fiction is made up of fictional characters, the conflicts that are mentioned are based …show more content…

Although Abulhawa was not there at the time, the events she discussed are true events that have occurred. This novel incorporates literature of apartheid because of how the Israelis were considered to be the majority race in power. Throughout this entire novel, Israeli soldiers have attacked, killed and injured many innocent people because they wanted to ultimately eliminate the opposing race. They would verbally attack Palestinians by saying “Fucking terrorist” and “Get rid of every last sand nigger” (Abulhawa, 2010 pg. 238). It was not until the Israeli soldiers invaded Lebanon, where the most brutal and violent acts against Palestinians were committed. What seemed to be the most shocking of all is the fact that the soldiers who were killing innocent people never seemed to have remorse aside from one who helped and fed Hudda. The protagonist, Amal is the person the readers see through. The most difficult part to read within this novel, was soon after the Israeli soldiers invaded. Amal had witness her older brother Yousef lose the one thing he loved the most, Fatima. On page 227, Yousef stated “They ripped my Fatima’s belly with a knife!! They killed my babies!!”. Amal described how difficult it was to hear such harsh things being said about her country and it was even heavy for her to witness it as well. A lot of the ruthless …show more content…

Historical apartheid in commonly used in books such as Marrow of Traditions by Charles Chesnutt because it dates back to early civilization when apartheid was a huge conflict. Marrow of Traditions was based off of the Wilmington, North Carolina race riots of 1898. The book was written shortly after in 1901 and discusses the issues that have a part of the antebellum and postbellum periods. Similarly to Mornings in Jenin, there were many instances where Whites used foul language regarding African Americans. The fear instilled in a White man’s eye has been a fear since the times of slavery and even after. McBane, a white man within this novel had very strong anger towards Sally, an African American slave. In chapter 21, McBane makes a statement regarding making an example of Sandy, who was accused of killing Mrs. Ochiltree. “Burn the nigger," reiterated McBane. "We seem to have the right nigger, but whether we have or not, burn a nigger. It is an assault upon the white race, in the person of old Mrs. Ochiltree, committed by the black race, in the person of some nigger” (Chesnutt 1901, pg.182). This is where the readers become a witness of apartheid through literature. Sandy being a slave is the only reason why McBane calls him a nigger and suggests he should be burned. Marrow of Traditions can be considered historical apartheid because it deals with actual past events, which stem from racism and

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