
Monsters In Todays World

Decent Essays

Monsters in todays world can be seeing many different ways and forms an effect people differently. Everybody has their own monsters and has their own warn way that it will effect them. Monsters have been known to eat people wether it be mentally or physically. Many of the monster that the we have in the world today are mental monsters that will tear you down and eat you up mentally. Monsters have their own way beating you down till you cant go any more. Monsters have been around forever and have also been known to push people, create fear, mystery, and most importantly eat people.

The monsters many people have can be used as strength to push them to the next level of what they are trying to conquer. All of the greatest athletes and explorers have had to overcome likely monsters in they life to get what they wanted to achieve. “A long history of military conflict with he Islamic world converged with early modern religious tensions and age-old legends of the world beyond the borders of Europe to convince most European explorers that they would encounter new …show more content…

Mystery can often make people do crazy thing, people live off of the adrenal rush that the next turn could be completely different having no clue what could happen. Skilled noodles reach into rivers, their fingers exposing cervices where large, sometimes, gigantic, able catfish guard thousands of eggs recently laid by females. The noodles soon find their hands in a gullet of an enormous and angry fish” (monsters in America). Noodles live off go the mystery that they may find that one big monster catfish that could possibly have the capacity to eat them. This feeling brings back the whole point that “monsters” are there to eat you. The mystery of not just the catfish but the fact that you have no clue is often something that pushes people to their limits because they go for that mystery to find what could possibly come from

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