
Modernism And Post Modernism In The Golden Book By Doris Lessing

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The Golden Book by, Doris Lessing includes many issues, some of them are feminism,individualism, allienation, communism etc. however it contains both modernism and post modernism given as a mixture through out the text.With both of these terms used in the same book is enough to make it fascinating. What is modernism and post modernism? How does it affects the use of language in characters.

Modernsim started at the late 19th century and ended around 1920s with great works accieved and also with the great artists who have been in the modernism act. Modernism was a reaction of the victorian era. The first period of the twentieth century was the time when modernism was fully developed with the names of James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence and many …show more content…

As in victoriansim the writer showed the way to the reader in other words the reader was under the writers hands, controlling him. Stream of consciousness takes place in moderism also which is the past, present and the future given in a mixed way while the novel is going on with its normal flow.

Characteristics of Modernism

Characteristics of modernism are individualism, symbolism and formalism. Individualism was used to not write only about the society but a individual characters life by itself. With the changing world of the time individualism was used to show how a person faces rough circumstances during daily life. Symbolism was used before modernism however modernist writers changed it a little bit and left it to the readers to give a meaning to the symbol. In formalism creativity and orginality was important.


Postmodernism took place after the World War II, Lyotard explaines it like this The word postmodernism has a meaning by itself the word "post" means after combining with modernism it has a meanig of after modernism. However their isn't just one defination about it. Their is still many different ideas of what postmodern …show more content…

Modernism which is unable to make people happy postmodernism comes to break down the modernism ideas of metarialism and rationalism, taking people into their order and putting them into slaves and the technology which turns people to robots. In the aim of destroying the general acceptance of modernism. This resistance showed itself in the change of economy, culture and social life however this change wasnt totally differnt from modernism. From many discriptions postmodernism shares the same model of modernism and is said that it is a inner criticsm of modernism and is just a alternative to

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