
Mock Night Journal

Decent Essays

Mcknight Session 1 Journal In the beginning God Created the heavens and the earth. I have no doubt in my mind about that. For one reason it’s in the bible, my second reason is I believe what’s in the bible. I understand that the word of God is true but to say that I was ready to go back to school Would be a complete lie. I will tell you how I decided to embark on this next chapter in my life will let you in to my world for just a moment so we can go through the ups and down of what made me want to start this voyage in my life. They say that every journey starts with but a single step, other’s say take the road l Less travel. To me that was like a fork in the road. I guess we must start with who I am really understand where I’m coming from. …show more content…

In the neighborhood I grew up it was easy to get drag down the wrong path. A lot of my friends are not here today or lock up like a cage animal. That’s where the road less travel come’s into place. I know that from my life experience we have to fight for everything that we want. That’s part of the reason I decide to get back on a good foot with education. Not to many people where I come from are not trying to better them self with education they are looking for the easy way out. So I decided to take the road that not to many people take where I come from. Thinking about it I’ m Like a trailblazer, or pioneer for my community. And even though I have a plan to be something greater because that’s what I long for. The evidence is in the bible yet aging fo Psalm 37: 4 says “ Delight thyself also into the lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart”. And that also start with one step to the one and true living GOD. I know I have talk a lot about the bible but …show more content…

With that I know that God put obstacles in my path so I can overcome them. With each obstacle I gain more knowledge, Mcknight Session 1 Journal with each obstacle I grow stronger. When I thank of the goodness of Jesus I know that he is preparing me for my greater good . With everything That I have shared with you my purpose is more clear then ever, the fire is lit. I must finish the journey that God has place me on. I must endure to the end Ecclesiastes 9:11 “ I returned saw under the sun that race is not to the swift, nor the battle to strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all”. And if we could jump to the new testament in Matthew 24:13 “But he that endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”. Throughout my life I had to fight to have the life that I have now. From my beautiful wife, my smart son, my new unborn child on his way to this world, to even the job god bless me with that provides for my family; Back in 1988 December 17, I had to endure a long hard journey but it made me into the person I am today. And since I know that God has my back I will endure until the end of this

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