
Miss Strangeworth Character Analysis

Decent Essays

As long as evil existed unchecked in the town, it was Miss Strangeworth's duty to keep her town in check.In the story, “The Possibility of Evil”,by Shirley Jackson,the author addresses the ideas of a lady who writes letters to people telling them their evil in hope of them changing without the person knowing it is her who is writing the letters.Miss Strangeworth’s has a lot of characteristics,there’s only three that I would be able to describe her as organized,clever,and cruel. To begin with,The reason I believe Miss Strangeworth’s is organized,because everything that she does in her lifetime has to be neatly planned or laid out.For instance,”Miss Strangeworth’s used a pad of various colored pads paper…”,on page 370. Meaning that she always …show more content…

Meaning that she always used that pad when she wrote letters so that no one figured out that it was her writing them a letter.The reason I believe Miss Strangeworth is clever,because she has been writing her letters under the radar for years without anyone one knowing it was her .My textual evidence is on page 371,it states, “She never got any answers,of course,because she never signed her name….”.the reason I believe Miss Strangeworth is cruel,because she says really disrespectful things to people when she is writing her letters.For example,on page 370,it states,”Have you found out yet what they were all laughing about after you left the bridge club Thursday?or is the wife really the last one to

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