
Misconceptions About Mormonism

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It is assumed by many scholars and believed by Protestants that the birthdate of Jesus was on December 25th somewhere between 6 and 4 BC. Protestants believe in the he was born in an obscure village called Bethlehem in the Southern region of Judea. The story of Jesus’ birth is known as the nativity scene where his Mother mary and her husband Joseph birth him in a manger around farm animals, shepherds, wise men, and kings. This event became the base for the holiday Christmas which is celebrated in households all around the world.
After Jesus’ childhood, he studied and worked to become a carpenter just like Joseph. He then started his teachings of the gospel around the age 30 when he was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. As said …show more content…

Mormonism by many peoples standards is considered to be a cult and a fake religion. It is the misconceptions about Mormonism that cause people to think this way about this religion. It is important to know the misconceptions from the truths so that we can understand what the real Mormon faith is. The three main misconceptions fit into three categories: Mormons reject that Christ is a unique God or deity, Mary’s birth was not a virgin birth, and that Christ was not eternally sinless as a deity.
The first misconception is, Mormons reject that Christ is a unique deity. Mormons believe Jesus is a “common” God and is sometimes unimportant to their overall cosmology. They believe that Jesus was a created being, meaning that he had two births. The teaching of a “created being“ says that a person is born twice, first in preexistence as a spirit child, then as a human baby much later. Mormons reject that Jesus was a unique deity because they believe that he was born along with billions of other spirit children. They therefore do not see Jesus’ divinity as unique because he is similar to all other humans, similarly, Mormons believe that all people were incarnated spirit beings and will achieve similar Godhood to

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