
Middle School Recess Essay

Decent Essays

Do you ever sit in your seat ever wondering how you don’t have recess in Middle School? I do! I Strongly believe that there should be recess in Middle School because problems can be solved, kids are more focused, and it will reduce stress. Research confirms that recess helps kids solve their own problems and become more social. Additionally kids will be more focus more in school after they have a recess break. Including recess in middle school helps kids get away from stress. Some teachers, parents, and principles don't think that there should be Recess in middle school but I protest there should be recess in Middle School. Kids in middle school should have recess because it would help with problem solving and social skills. 94% of my classmates …show more content…

Teachers and parents need to realize that recess will help with problem solving and social skills. Kids also need recess in Middle School because they can stay more focused in school. Study shows that kids are more attentive and productive after in the classroom after recess. This reason highlights that kids are more focused after they have recess because they are more active. Meanwhile in Chicago recess is good news for children squirming in their seats. This research proves that kids need recess to stay calm and focus in the classroom because they get all of their energy out with recess. Have you ever felt unfocused in school because you didn’t have recess? Recess in Middle School could help kids get away from stress. 94 percent of my classmates believe htta recess helps kids get away from stress. These Statistics point out that playing outside for recess reduces the amount of stress because kids can forget about test scores and bad grades. Also when I get bad grade I start getting stressed and frustrated so if I had recess all of my stress and frustration would go away. My personal experience claims that kids should have recess in Middle School to take away from stress because when you're playing you forget about everything. I bet that the other kids that don’t have recess get stressed to and if they did have recess all of their stress would go away and be

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