
Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park

Satisfactory Essays

Matthew Dean

Title of book: Jurassic Park Author: Michael Crichton


The point of view in this novel was the third person point of view. I believe the author chose this point of view so he could tell everybody's story and not have to stick with one single storyline of one person's account of what was happening because that would have made the book very confusing to follow with in my opinion.


The protagonist in Jurassic Park is Dr. Alan Grant. He’s the protagonist because he is the guy I was rooting for when everything was happening and the guy who seems to play the “Hero” type role during the story once things started to go south.

The books antagonist is Dennis Nedry because things were going …show more content…

Ellie Sattler: Dr. Alan Grant's partner.


I relate to Dr. Alan Grant the most in the story because he appears to be a very grounded character, regardless of his position with his intellectual superiority or even if he's being chased by dinosaurs, he seems to stay humble for the most part and I feel like that’s a value that I would like to have just like this character and is why I can relate to him.


The story of Jurassic Park begins when a handful of people get mauled by what appears to be a dinosaur/raptor type creature, and it turns out that the creature that did the maulings was a part of John Hammonds company and business investment, International Genetic Technologies, which is Hammonds attempt at making a huge profit by having a theme park designed around dinosaurs in their natural habitats. However things go horribly wrong when a computer analyst Dennis Nedry makes a deal with a rival genetic engineering company Biosyn to steal his own employers dinosaur embryos. His master plan starts by shutting off the power to the park to override the security systems but in the end he only ends up releasing the parks attractions, the dinosaurs. So as you could probably guess pure mayhem ensues as the characters attempt to escape the park, and the island it is on. Then the book ends with the park, and island being blown up, but saying that there has been sightings of reptilian bird like creatures running through the woods in packs deep in the jungles of costa

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