
Mgt 311 Week 4 Developing Your Study Plan

Satisfactory Essays

1. Well, to begin with, most importantly, I like to learn in a peaceful and calm surrounding because that helps in building concentration. I don't like a messy work area because it causes a distraction, so I try to make the area organized if possible. I get distracted easily so, if I am studying near a window, I close the blinds so I won't look outside, turn off the radio, television, etc. I start going through will all easy questions, then I work on the harder questions. Every time I think that I am tired or been studying for a very long time, I take a 30-minute break and I make sure that I am not over-doing it, that way I can take in the best.

3. To help improve in class I concentrate more on taking notes of everything. I think taking notes helps me to understand and learn things quicker. Not only that, but it also helps me improve my grasping power and help sharpen my memory as well. Less use of a cellphone, not eating while learning, etc., helps me too. …show more content…

5. Personally, it’s distracting for me to have a T.V or Radio playing while I’m trying to focus. I think it might be because I get or easily distracted. If I hear something on T.V that sounds a little bit interesting, I have to look and see what's going on. At that point, I wind up viewing the following twenty minutes of whatever show is on. Sometimes when I’m writing and someone talks to me I end up writing what they’ve said, instead of what I was thinking. Radios are distracting because I really enjoy music so if a good song comes on I will stop to listen to it, then I’ll think about another good song, and I will have to YouTube it, which ends in me watching

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