
Methodology And Methods Of Research Design Essay

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In this chapter, the researcher presents and discusses approaches, design and methods to be employed in this study. This chapter further introduces the justification and rationale behind the choice of the research design, method, and analytical process upon which this study will be founded. It also highlights details of the research design, target population, sampling procedures and technique, data collection tools, analysis and presentation as well as ethical consideration.

3.1. Research Design
Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009, p.600) defines research design as “the overall plan of how the researcher will go about answering the research questions”. Research design according to Bryman (2008) provides the overall direction of the research including the process by which the research is carried out.

This study will be conducted using the descriptive survey research method. The descriptive survey is most preferred in this study since it allows the researchers to study phenomena that do not allow for manipulation of variables (Saunders et al ., 2009). The result of such investigation makes it possible to find explanation of the social phenomenon in question. The research design also helps in measuring the respondents’ attitudes, opinions, habits or any of the variety of social issues in a large population. The research design and the steps to be adopted in research methodology will be kept in focus the objectives and research questions.
3.2. Target Population

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