

Decent Essays

Early civilizations from Mesopotamia to Egypt were established primarily because of the shift from hunting and gathering to agricultural means of acquiring food. This change meant that not everyone in a population was necessary for the group’s survival and therefore, some members had “free time”. This extra time allowed for advances in religion, writing, and politics, three key features of civilization. By studying these advances, we can better learn how civilization originally looked and we can examine the effects of their advances in today’s society. With this new spare time usually allocated for hunting and gathering, early people logically looked for reasons to explain the nature of things. These explanations initiated the earliest forms of religion—a prominent feature in the basis of both Mesopotamian and Egyptian life.1 Mesopotamians created and actively worshiped hundreds of gods, many of which explained different phenomena and could control how the forces of nature affected people. The Mesopotamians, therefore, found their purpose in serving the will of the gods.2 Egyptians believed their gods to …show more content…

The answer—through the invention of writing. Sumerians created cuneiform writing while Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on the inside of pyramid walls.4 These two writing styles both proved very important to early human civilization, if not for their own reasons. Mesopotamians used their writing knowledge “as archivists, secretaries, or accountants.”5 The hieroglyphics of the Egyptians “contained fragments from myths, historical annals, and magical lore and provided spells to assist the king in ascending to heaven.”6 Even with the differing uses, the practical applications of the Mesopotamians compared to the more spiritual applications of the Egyptians, writing still is a common

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