
Medical Ethics As A Moral Compass

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Medical Ethics as a Moral Compass
I work for a government run medical center. As an organization we are run by government oversight, rules and regulations and high-powered patient complaints. If a provider is not ethically oriented they will be found out and dismissed quickly. The flip side of the coin, most people work at this medical center because they enjoy their work and the patient population. We work well with one another and come together overall for the common good. There are no incentives which can lead to ethical misconduct. Additionally, physicians have their own code of ethics. The Hippocratic Oath, is a set of principles for physicians’ conduct, which aim to protect the rights of the patient and oblige the physician voluntarily to behave in an altruistic manner towards patients (Riddick, 2003). The four basic principles of medical ethics (autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence) form the foundation for health professionals to guide and decide what practices are ethical. These basic ethical principles are based on the major documents of healthcare ethics (Hippocratic Oath, Nuremberg code and Helsinki declaration). Future doctors and nurses are expected to learn and abide by these …show more content…

We are only human after all, and we are likely to make mistakes when it comes to the gray areas of ethics. One way to assure we do the best we can is keep the lines of communication open and the feeling of a safe zone ever present. If employees feel like they are in a safe environment and can question a practice, or even a superior, than we are less likely to have unethical issues get out of control. Finally, ensuring clarity in the organizational ethical culture promotes higher work engagement, less emotional strain and exhaustion, and lower turnover rate. These all lead to a decrease in unethical activity and a healthier work environment (Huhtala et al.,

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