
Measles Virus Research Papers

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An organism as complex as the species Homo sapiens is subjected to a host of pathogenic microbes. These can be viruses, infectious proteins (known as prions), or other lifeforms such as bacteria, fungus, and helminths. The Measles virus is an enveloped virus with a single strand, non-segmented negative sense RNA genome which is transmitted via the respiratory route (Laksono, et. al). Having been first written of more than a century ago, medical understanding of the virus has advanced significantly leading to the development of vaccine in 1963 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). However, since the 1998 article in The Lancet by Andrew Wakefield, which purported a link between the combined MMR Vaccine and autism, a resurgence of infection …show more content…

Francis Home demonstrated as early as 1757 the communicable nature of the Measles virus through the blood of patients, comprehensive statistical data on the prevalence of measles did not commence until 1912 when it became a nationally notifiable disease in the United States. The lifespan of the Measles virus is characterized by three eras: pre-vaccine, pre-elimination, and post-elimination. The first breakthrough of the pre-vaccine era was the isolation of the virus by John F. Enders and Dr. Thomas C. Peebles following an outbreak in Boston in 1954. Nearly a decade passed before Enders and his team developed the isolated strain, named Edmonston-B, into a vaccine. …show more content…

Despite not having met their goal, Measles was indeed declared eliminated in 2000. The World Health Organization defines elimination as the absence of endemic cases for a period of twelve months or more, in the presence of adequate surveillance. Since the start of the post-elimination era, incidence of Measles has been on the rise due to a growing concern over a proposed link between the MMR vaccine and autism spectrum disorder. This controversy began in 1998, with the publication of “MMR Vaccine and autism” by now-discredited author Andrew Wakefield. Despite retraction of the article by The Lancet journal, growing civic concern led to many children not receiving the vaccine and outbreaks occurring. In totality, Measles continues to be an integral part of the human experience and the need to understand it has not diminished with time.

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