
Me And You By Niccolo ?Ä Ammaniti

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In the novel Me And You by Niccolò Ammaniti, Lorenzo, the fourteen years old boy is unable to care for people except his parents. From Lorenzo 's point of view, he camouflages among his peers to get through his life. Even though he claims that he is superior and unique than the others, deep down it is a lie that he tells himself to protect his self-esteem from the fact that he can not make friends as an outcast. After spending time with the unexpected visitor, who is his half-sister Olivia, Lorenzo experiences sympathy and love for the others for the first time. Lorenzo transformed from a boy who runs away from his problems to a teenager who is able to take care for the others and brave enough to step out for his own life all due to his time together with Olivia. On the whole, Lorenzo is trapped by his narcissistic personality disorder that he can not understand his needs for friends and community until his half sister taught him how to love and be loved outside of his circle over an accidental encounter in the basement.
Lorenzo disguises himself to get by in school and at home that he uses the excuse of being too special and different to disguises his misfit in the community. At the start of the book, the author uses personification to describe the psychological activities of Lorenzo. "I was like a sardine in a school of sardines. I camouflaged myself like a stick insect on dry branches" (31). Under the cover of imitating others, it is actually a cry of help due to the

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