
Materialism In Fahrenheit 451

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(AGG) Many people believe that money will buy you happiness, but no matter how much money you spend, you will never get the true happiness you receive from people. (BS-1) The characters in the novel Fahrenheit 451 focus on looks and value their possessions. (BS-2) Becoming materialistic has many effects towards people.(BS-3) Not everyone in the city turned out to be focused on materialism. (TS) Ray Bradbury created a society full of materialistic people to warn the readers about the dangers of using materials. (MIP-1) The characters in this novel value their objects and focus on the superficial. (SIP-A) Everyone highly values all of their possessions. (STEWE-1) In real life, most people highly value their families. People like Mildred also value their families, except the fact that they are not humans. Instead their families are the items they own. Montag and Mildred get into an argument where he talks about books and parlor walls and how there is no one there but them. Mildred disagrees to this point and says “‘Now’, said Mildred, ‘my ‘family’ is people. They tell me things; I laugh, they laugh! And the colors!”’(69). She is convinced that her house and surroundings are her family because she thinks they have the characteristics of a person. When in reality, she has just gotten used to them and addicted to them which makes her more comforted by the parlor walls instead of her husband …show more content…

(BS-3) There were multiple contrasting characters that did not follow the same path as the others. (BS-2) Losing emotions and priorities are the two main effects of materialism. (BS-1) The characters described by the author are shown to be full of materialistic personalities. (R) A message from this book is that people should stop focusing on looks and objects and start interacting with people to receive true

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