
Masculinity In The Great Gatsby

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The Roaring Twenties! Economic Boom! Social and Political Change! It was a period of of new behaviors, attitudes, and freedoms, with prosperity making way to most Americans.
Social classes played a dominant role in shaping the 1920s ,while most Americans enjoyed prosperity and well-being , many others saw very little social growth in their lives. Race and Ethnicity contributed to the atmosphere of the 1920s. During this period, American freedoms were expanded yet many others diminished. The blend of increasing racial pride and the longstanding racial hatred after the Reconstruction Era led to a tension-filled atmosphere throughout the ‘20s. Race and ethnicity in the Roaring Twenties demonstrated the inequalities and prejudices that many Americans …show more content…

, the rights of African Americans were limited and were segregated from whites, which constantly reminded African Americans their position in the era of prosperity and new freedoms. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Tom and Gatsby dispute into an argument, Tom erupts into a rant “Nowadays people begin by sneering at family life institutions and next they’ll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white”( Fitzgerald 137). Demonstrating the greater atmosphere the era possessed and the ethnic discrimination colored people faced in this society, revealing that race and ethnicity had a negative influence in the twenties, as many people had racist ideologies that kept the races separated and colored people were thought to be less than the others, another reference in the novel The Great Gatsby, demonstrates the prejudice that Nick reveals, as Nick and Gatsby are driving over the Queensboro Bridge, Gatsby is passed by a hearse and a limousine “A limousine passed us, driven by a white chauffeur, in which sat three modish negroes”(Fitzgerald 73). It reveals the mindset of people in the 1920s, and the idea that colored people could have not be wealthy, and the position they held during this era, demonstrating the segregation African Americans and whites held in society, and Nick cannot grasp the idea of another race moving towards in society, as colored people faced prejudice .The Roaring …show more content…

White supremacy was popular in the ‘20s it represented a white society, that many Americans wanted, resulting in targeting anyone who differed from their views, the hate group was filled with hate whose main goal was to terminate all other ethnicities, by performing hatred acts on other races. The novel The Great Gatsby demonstrated the ideas that many people followed, which was that whites were the inferior race as Tom says “It’s up to us , who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things” (Fitzgerald 17). Revealing the disconnect between the two races and the way people saw other ethnicities in the ‘20s, believing that other races were not entitled to anything else but their current position in society. White supremacy dominated the 1920’s, many that associated themselves with the hatred organizations/ groups, sought to believe that the superior race was white, “ All these measures reflected the desire for racial and cultural homogeneity, that now dominated U.S. society” (The effects of Nativism n. pag),which revealed the idea that all the other races must be diminished, revealing the attitude and the way of thought many Americans thought.With such hatred, white supremacy led to violence to demonstrate the hatred they had for minority groups.Racial hatred and racial

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