
Marriage In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Good Essays

Marriages of Coldness, Control and, Companionship
Understanding how to have a happy marriage is a difficult task. A writer published for his insights on cultural studies, professor Andrew Reiner at Towson University writes about men’s psychological and emotional behaviors; his theories can be applied to the Janie’s husbands in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Janie’s first husband, Logan Killicks, is an old, unattractive man with 60 acres of land whose only concern is farming. Janie’s second husband, Joe Starks, is a confident and determined man who's driven to gain social status. Tea Cake, a young, fun, and loving man, is Janie’s third husband whose focus is on the pursuit of happiness. All of Janie’s husbands behave according …show more content…

Tea Cake does not believe in dominating women, rather in living a life based on equality with creativity and joy. Janie allows herself to flirt with Tea Cake because she is independent and can choose a relationship on her own. Tea Cake’s attraction a relationship with Janie is based on mutual interests in creative and joyful activities; He teachers he checkers, takers her to baseball games, they go fishing. They enjoy each other’s company. Furthermore, Tea Cake teaches Janie how to shoot a gun, pick beans, and socialize with the workers down South. She feels alive again as he teaches her checkers, takes her to baseball games and goes fishing(112). She finally finds a man who enjoys her company. All of the activities that she would never be able to do with the other two husbands. Tea Cake is not using Janie for her labor or her money. He does not want Janie's money to support them; he tells her “from now on, you gointuh eat whutevere mah money can buy uh wear de same"(128). He feels manly being able to provide for her and his controlling the money does allow him to enact a stereotypical male role. However, Tea Cake is dissimilar to Logan and Joe in that Tea Cake values Janie's opinions and thoughts. He is not afraid to console her when she is feeling …show more content…

If Reiner were to evaluate his masculinity theories he would likely praise Tea Cake for being a modern enlightened man largely free from gender stereotypes. Conversely, Reiner would likely accuse Logan and Joe of being men who suffer from suppressed emotions and displaced aggression. Their marriages ultimately fail because they cannot envision gender equality. Past stereotypes about men need to be challenged and men need to feel open to sharing their feelings, only then can a healthy marriage

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