
Market Revolution Dbq

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In the first half of the 19th century, an economic transformation Known to historians as the market Revolution swept over the United States. The market Revolution was the period in the first half of the 19th century when Americans changed their approach to business, the kind of jobs people do, the nature of the products produced changed their goods consumers also changed. Many innovations emerged in the communication and transportation. (Forner, pp. 331). The market revolution represented an acceleration of developments already under way in the colonial era; the market Revolution of the early 19th century saw advances in technology, communication and transportation, manufacturing and technology. All this advancement strengthened the industrial …show more content…

It was a country shaped by immigration. Immigrants from one country, the English makes up half of the population. The Appalachian Mountain of the west was where the adventurous pioneers moved to. Americans also settled on seacoast, Atlantic shoreline, at the beginning England was far ahead of America in all ramifications but latter American became a prosperous nation. Which was industrialized with few living in the cities and towns while majority lived in the farm this was still overwhelmingly agrarian. In 1801, there was an explosive change, as America expanded, immigration, technology and capitalism re-sharpened the land. By 1901when Roosevelt was the President more than 76 million American lived in a continental hemisphere that stretch from sea to sea. About 40% of American still works on the farm. Some few % still live in the farm by 1900, America outnumbered the English people in population and they became the leading industrial nation in the world. This transformation was in the 19th century. The American Revolution controlled the state commercial, entrepreneurship which led to the market revolutions that produce the world’s active economy system. Adam smith was a capitalism economist a Scottish who uses his master’s work, “the wealth of Nations” which published interestingly in 1776. He believes if individual could practice their self-interest without the government taking over the production of wealth will increase and led to people protecting the interest of others. Adam Smith was the founder of laissez-faire economics. America began to change gradually into the 19th century in leu to smith ideas. The American industrial revolution had 2 revolutions: A Technology revolution due to division of labor and a commercial revolution with the economic Individualism. Thomas Jefferson was one of the people who agitated for agricultural reform. In

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