
Marijuana Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Howdy, today Sara, Shelby, Jessica, Royce and I will be discussing why the rise of marijuana is so popular in the world and United States, as well as some of the issues within the United States that are specific with marijuana.
Attention: I want you to think about what comes to your mind when you hear the word marijuana and how your thought would vary if you lived 4,000 years ago. I am sure you were not thinking about the cannabis plant that could also produce more beneficial worldwide items such as fabric and fiber, lighting oil, or even paper.
Thesis Statement: Today my focus will not be on the positive and negatives of the marijuana drug, however for the next few minutes I will inform you about the importance of the past global …show more content…

1. Can you imagine over four thousand years ago, the common drug known as marijuana was being used from a popular plant known as the cannabis plant?
a. Many researchers describe cannabis plants as a rather tall plant that grows upright, in many climates around the globe, and the furthest trace of this plant back in history was used in China for food and medication around 2727 BC.
i. According to the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre website or NCPIC, there are three main forms that the cannabis plant can be transformed into, which are marijuana, hashish, and hash oil. ("What is cannabis?")
b. All over the world the cannabis plant throughout the years leading up to World War II, has spread and been utilized as a resource for many cultures and societies.
i. The sixth edition of the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia says that the cannabis plant spread from China to India and used for medical purposes until it reached Europe in 500 AD., where the crop was then transferred to North America, and marijuana at the time was used and “grown as a source of fiber.” …show more content…

According to the 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey, “35.4% of the Australian population reported using cannabis at some time in their lives, with 10.3% having used it in the last 12 months.” Even more astonishing news that was reported from this survey was that of the Australian population that was surveyed “more than 700,000 Australians used cannabis in the previous week.” (“What is Cannabis”)
Transition to second main point: Now that we understand the cannabis plant and how global this plant is, we will now narrow our attention to where marijuana comes from, let us dive into how marijuana became such a popular drug worldwide.
2. Throughout the last ninety-five years, marijuana has become the reason for governments worldwide to spend billions of dollars in order to stop “war on drugs”, but many wonder how marijuana even became so popular in global society.
a. According to criminal defense lawyer, Bruce Alan Block, he says that “Marijuana was used as a medicinal herb by the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for stomach ailments, cramps, and pain.” (Block)
i. Bruce then leads on to talk about how the drug marijuana was spread throughout Europe was during war and trading with allies during the conquests in the Mediterranean.

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