
Mankiw's Monetary Policy

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The action of the Federal Government poses a great impact on the status of the economy, the livelihood of the people, and the way other nations will react. The reality of recession differs from one environment to another, but the meaning of recession is the same. If policy makers and government officials ignored the outcry from their nation over a recession, then the results would lead to a depression.
First, the term recession is identified by N. Gregory Mankiw as “a period of declining real incomes and rising unemployment.” The actions of the Federal Reserve play a major role in struggling against the negative effects of a recession. In doing that, the Fed may use various methods, the most important of which are monetary policies. Monetary …show more content…

According to M. Lebonte, “In the short term, such a monetary policy may be used as a stimulus for the increase in spending, whereas in the long term, it primarily influences inflation rates.” When forward guidance was introduced for the first time, it was in the form of a calendar citing dates with appropriate federal funds rates for them. Engen, Thomas, Laubach, and David stated, “It made it simple for people and companies to plan their spending and credit possibilities in the near future, and at the same time forced investors and lenders to lower their term premium in a longer perspective." The efficiency of the forward guidance is the hardest to measure as to a large extent it depends on how reliable it seemed to people and if they were really basing their financial decisions on …show more content…

Furthermore, over the first two years of the crisis the policy expectations showed little change. The Fed intervention was not, however, limited to the actions mentioned above. Therefore, special credit programs, aimed at the restoration of the financial sphere, were implemented. According to N. Gregory Mankiw, “price movements are how markets equilibrate supply and demand.” Moreover, banks had to undergo “stress tests” in order to prove that they had sufficient capital. It is identified by Engen, Thomas, Laubach, and David that, “these initiatives are believed to have improved the people’s attitude towards banking system and broadened the flow of credit, which helped to foster economic

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