
Manipulation In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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The Real Her Desires, manipulation, and lack of communication leads a family to death. A desire is strongly wish for or want. When the grandmother desired for something she started to manipulate the family. Manipulation is when a person influence skillfully in a unfair manner. The grandmother manipulated the family which caused lack communication and a weak bond. One person caused destruction on a family. O’ Conner “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” portrays how one’s desires, manipulation creates lack of communication destroying a family’s bond. The grandmother wants represents desires. A desire is strongly wish for or want .The grandmother desire to travel to Tennessee is an example of her wants. In the second line of the story the grandmother …show more content…

Lack of communication a failure to exchange information. The grandmother didn’t have a bond with her family ,so she brought the cat without taking it up with the family. “Her insistence on having her own way and sneaking Pitty Sing, her cat, into the car, despite her knowledge that Bailey would not allow this, directly causes the accident” (Kell). The family weak bond is one of the reasons why the grandmother didn’t tell the son why she truly wanted to bring the cat on the trip. The grandmother had a weak bond with her family, so she didn’t communicate with the family about going Tennessee. The grandmother didn’t a have a strong bond with her son, Bailey, to tell him that she want to travel to Tennessee. She was just telling the kids the story of the secret panel, because she knew she didn’t have a strong enough bond with the family. The grandmother was just an extra body in the car. The family wasn’t communicating with the grandmother because they didn’t really have a connection with them. The grandmother was basically the cause of the weak bond and lack communication in the family. She the weak bond and lack of communication because of her desire and manipulative ways.In result of the grandmother behavior everyone ended up dying, because of her desires, manipulative ways, and weak bond. In other words the grandmother is like any other typical person. The grandmother had desires and wants like a regular person in a society. I have desire and wants like the grandmother did in the O’Conner “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and I find ways to fulfil them. The grandmother was being manipulative as any other person would to get what they want. Manipulation is when a person influence skillfully in a unfair manner. I’m a manipulative

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