
Manifest Destiny Dbq

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Today’s America was built slowly, but the early 1800s was a great time of new ideas and inventions. New modes of transport and communication were invented and to this day, are still used whether they have been upgraded or tweaked. A huge part of modern-day America was the Louisiana Purchase which was part of the ideology of Manifest Destiny. The new modes of transport in the early 1800s; railroads and canals were both time efficient and cost effective compared to the old ways of transport via wagons or horse drawn carts. According to the chart in Document 2, barges in canals went about two to five miles an hour, and trains on railroads traveled about ten to twenty miles an hour, while wagons, depending on number of horses, could manage about …show more content…

O’Sullivan or anyone who believed in Manifest Destiny, and action that they took was considered just, and nothing would stand in their way. Now what is Manifest Destiny? Manifest Destiny was the belief that any action took to help make the U.S expand from coast to coast was justified. In the painting of Document 5, “American Progress”, there are the Native Americans and buffalo being pushed west, pioneers and farmers clearing, settling, and farming in the land, and wagons, trains, and telegraph lines, the new inventions of the 1800s, are shown being used and headed in the western direction. The telegraph lines, a new invention, were the first form of long distance communication that involved a series of beeps by electronic pulses. The Native Americans are being forced away so we have full land control. The animals and other animals that could pose a threat to the settlers are being forced away too. And finally, the wagons and trains were used to transport heavy materials and supplies west. Nothing was able to stand in the way of the U.S and we had full control of our land from the east coast to the west coast. Now there was more land for settlers and the new modes of transportation and communication spread over the whole

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