
Major Changes In America During The 1920's

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Life in America dramatically changed during the decade of the 1920s, which marks a turning point in American history. Among these changes included the creation of new laws, which controlled major aspects of society. To continue, not only did the creation of these new laws contribute to the dramatic changes of life in America, but the changes in music, the roles and views of women in society, and entertainment had a big impact, as well. As a result, everyone living during this time period was affected in one way or another. The wide range of changes that took place in America’s society during the 1920s, has ultimately made this decade notorious for influencing culture in America because of the “anything goes” attitude the people developed. …show more content…

For example, Prohibition is linked to the creation of jazz music. Jazz developed in the speakeasies and was created by combining the elements of the Blues, Dixie music, and Ragtime. This new type of music even brought about new types of dance moves that were crazy, flamboyant, and allowed for freedom of the body. Some of the new styles of dance included the bunny hop, shimmy, and turkey trot. These dance moves all possessed new qualities, which matched society’s attitude during this decade. To be specific, the women during this decade took a liking to these type of dance moves and jazz music the most. Many women during this decade were known as Flappers. These women were very free-spirited and were the total opposite of the women in the era’s before them. Flappers challenged the conventional ideas by smoking and drinking in the public speakeasies, cutting their long hair into bobs establishing a symbol of independence, and wearing makeup and short skirts. Overall, these women were liberated. A lot of their liberation came from the events that took place during WWI. During WWI, the women took on the jobs of the men and they knew that the stay-at-home life didn't have to be their only option any more. Therefore, when the 1920s rolled around, the women began to question the traditional values that have been expected of them for decades. As a result, …show more content…

One major influence had to do with the turning point of women in society. The 1920s not only had the influence of allowing women to be involved in “male activities,” such as going to the bar, but women in the decades following the 1920s were beginning to be seen as equals compared to men. Women were starting to contribute to society by going to college, getting jobs, voting, and their voices were being acknowledged. The job as a stay-at-home mom wasn’t their only option any more and they were taking advantage of it. Due to the success and level of liberation the women achieved, women have never gone back to the life of conservation they once lived. For example, women in today’s society play just as an important role as men do, which is a great contribution from the 1920s decade. The expectations have changed and women are now held at equal standards in most respects. The average woman goes to college, gets a degree, and establishes a life of her own before she is expected to start a family. Furthermore, the influence of the entertainment industry has also been present in America’s culture through the many decades after the 1920s. The radio became a way for society to get in tune with pop culture. Because of the radio, diverse genres of music were introduced throughout the decades and are now involved in todays culture. The freedom to express yourself through

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