
Magical Realism In Big Fish

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Through viewing Big Fish, by Tim Burton and reading both of Marquez’s stories (Handsomest Drowned Man In The World and A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings), it becomes apparent that while both novels vary greatly in plot and storyline, they are also both centered around the concept of magical realism. For example, Big Fish is a story about a young mAn who visits his dying father, but throughout the story, is introduced to various ‘magical’ entities, which introduce an almost fantasy-like theme to the story. In Marquez’s stories, one is about a handsome drowned man and the other is about a dirty, raggedy angel. We are similarly shown this sense of an ordinary reality, with a certain twinge of magic/fantasy. So while this film and these novels are completely different in the terms of context and storyline, they share these elements of fantasy, that seamlessly blend together to create a realistic, yet magical atmosphere that provides the reader with a unique and capturing experience.
In both Big Fish and Marquez’s stories, the characters play a pivotal role in establishing the themes of magical realism. In A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children, we are introduced to one of the main characters, Pelayo. Pelayo is quite ordinary character, one that does not exhibit any “magical” traits that would depict magical realism. Instead, the author uses Pelayo to create a ordinary/everyday reality by establishing a character that does not have any sort of supernatural

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